Are you ready to quit the rat race and
 live the life of your dreams?

How to turn your expertise into a
thriving business and accelerate that
process while solving the issues
slowing you down …

Aspiring Business Owner,

Are you fed up with working a day job, being underpaid, and underappreciated?

Or maybe you’re an entrepreneur but struggling with it and not feeling like you are on the path to success?

It’s good you’re here then…

What if I could help you achieve true independence and live life on your own terms?

Or show you how to achieve financial freedom so you can stop worrying about money?

Maybe you feel like you are trapped in a rut and just going through the motions of doing the same old routine over and over again.

You feel like you want to break free from this situation but have no ‘escape plan’.

And you’re going around in circles ultimately getting nowhere but landing up feeling more frustrated than anything else.

So if you feel like there has to be more to life than this, you’re right.

It’s hard watching others achieve the kind of success you want to achieve.

Always wondering why you are working hard but getting nowhere and feeling like you are missing out on all the best things in life.

But maybe up until now, you haven’t been sure what steps you should be taking to change this…

The truth is that you have a unique perspective

You can identify big problems that need solutions.

And you can then become the solution by unleashing your unique value

Whether you know it or not, your expertise is your superpower because based on your life and career experience, you already have a business-ready skill and you can take this skill and turn it into a thriving business.

Maybe right now you are saying to yourself this sounds great but how to master running a successful online business or worry about things like copywriting and sales..

But before we go any further, just remember one thing. You’re not alone.

I’ve been in your shoes…

I’m Patrick Wood.

I know how it feels to be stuck, not knowing where to start because I have experienced the same issues and challenges.

For me it started on another week-long business trip with my flight being cancelled and having to spend another night in a hotel.

I realised I was stuck in a conventional career working too hard for too little money watching life and opportunities pass me by.

That cancelled flight resulted in me taking a life-changing decision.

The next thing I knew I was knee-deep in looking for my next profession.

One that did not involve always having to travel, huge sales territories to cover, and more nights being away from home.

I went on to discover what they call “laptop lifestyles”, dropshipping, ecommerce, membership sites, blogging, affiliate marketing.. You name it.

I researched it, tried it and FAILED.

I was so confused feeling like I lacked direction or clarity.

But this actually turned out to be the blessing coming my way because it helped me focus on my “one thing”.

This was product development, paid traffic and actually running a proper business.

Today, I run an online coaching business where I help people who want to be business owners create their dream business that self-funds its own growth and has zero financial or geographical limitations.

Sometimes creating an online business can leave entrepreneurs feeling overwhelmed.

My role is to help them have greater control over their business by setting up and managing their sales and marketing technology stack.

Perhaps you already know that you are going to need a bigger nest egg to retire with and right now this might be a big worry.

Sound familiar?

So let me ask you…

What is stopping you from starting your own business and taking it to 7 figures and beyond?

You’re tired of life passing you by and watching others take advantage of opportunities…

You want to be incontrol of your time and become financially independent…

You are tired of exchanging time for money that does not fully justify the level of effort you are putting in.

You want to know how to transform your life for good.

But how do you do that?

Say hello to my simple
5-step process.

STEP #1:
Commit to Working for yourself

This is about leveraging your knowledge because you have the expertise and experience of value to provide others.

So why not turn it into income by packaging your expertise and selling it. Over and over again.

STEP #2:
Identify a problem you can solve

Do your research to find what common problems your target market has so that you can concentrate on solving those problems.

Match your expertise with an area where people need help and then focus on the pain they are experiencing and the outcomes you are able to deliver.

STEP #4:
Build a sales funnel that converts

This has a series of steps to take that include creating a webinar or sales presentation…

Creating ads to drive visitors to your presentation…

Following up with emails and text messages…

STEP #5:
Get an expert mentor

Focus your time on what you do best and get expert help for everything else.

The truth is that you don’t need to do everything yourself to make this a success. Knowing where your strengths are and getting help for everything else is something that can help you more than you realise.

So what makes these
5 steps so special?

You’re opening yourself up to unlimited potential and the chance to take advantage of a $15 billion market that grows around 6.7% a year and a fighting chance to build a 7-figure business.

That means no more:

  • Feeling depressed in an unsatisfying role
  • Lack of promotion opportunities
  • Looming redundancies

And instead you get to work on building a business you love based around your passion.

Earn more in one month than you currently make in a year

And having true time and location freedom.

Right now you’re likely thinking that sounds great but how do I get everything together to succeed?

The great news is that you don’t have to do it alone.

Because there is an easy solution that takes care of everything called the Complete Done For You Service.

We will help you:


  • Find your niche in the market
  • Define your offering
  • Design your product


  • Webinars & Sales Presentations
  • Ads & registration pages
  • Emails & text messages
  • Retargeting & follow ups


  • Building out websites
  • Dealing with integrations
  • Copywriting & design
  • A host of technical matters

So how do we get started?

I can help you figure it out from start to finish but before we do anything, we need to get on a call.


On this call we will identify:

  • Why you’re getting stuck with launching your business
  • Why you’re unable to spend the time doing meaningful work, why you’re stuck fixing technology, and why you’re not working for you

We’ll show you how to get clarity on what is needed to run your business, and how you can achieve freedom from tech concerns so that you can focus on what is really meaningful to you in your business without wasting time.

So you see, the call is there to help you get on the right track.

So you see, you too can have the lifestyle you want.

The business you want and the success that comes with it.

People are always asking me why I want to help?

It’s simple. Because I love to share and help people achieve their financial goals.

And because you may very well want my help to fast track your success.

If you’ve reached this far and you’re still reading - then it shows that you’re ready to jump in and claim the life we’ve been talking about.

All i ask is that you are serious about transforming your future…

Are willing to listen to expert advice

Prepared to invest in multiplying your sales

And are ready to take action by booking your call now.

Then all you have to do is click the link below and book a time that works for you.

Click Below Now To “Schedule Your Call!”